Un levriero nella grande difficoltà. 15 punti nel nuovo tigrotto. One greyhound in big trouble. 15 stitches in the new baby tiger. Now I'm not saying I did, or I didn't, but the human in this joint thinks I might have. I'm on the watch list. The cute kitty, that I love to look at and want to smell, suddenly came up with two chunks out of her backside. Suspiciously look like bite marks, but the Vet thinks they may have been old wounds that finally festered up from abscesses. I'm being good 'cuz I just want a little sniff of her. So far, no luck on that. Luna, Susie and I are playing in the yard today, it is such nice Fall weather and we are zip-zapping. Happy Thanksgiving to all of y'all. Ringraziamento felice. Cool Coty.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Leoni e tigri ed orsi.
We found her on Halloween night. Teensy little bugger that Mom said we had to take home- I barked when we put in the car even though she didn't take up my space. I wasn't really protesting, I was just welcoming her. She's too-too cute. We've given her the Italian name of Margherita, which means Pearl ! She's almost learning it, when she's not busy zooming like a maniac. She could be quicker than me, but I THINK NOT. I love her already and want to smell her, but she bats my snoot.
Posted by
Cool Coty
9:13 AM
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Scary Dog Day that Turned Out Well
Giorno di cane spaventoso che è risultato bene. This morning I got caught with my Martindale collar on the cupboard door handle below the kitchen counter. I'm not supposed to stand in the kitchen by the stove top - I have learned the word "Hot", Caldo, and I'm very good at moving away when Mom says that to me. The loop of the collar snagged on the knob, and as I turned to back up, the cupboard door flew open, I jumped a mile, and all heck broke loose ! I was headed to Woodstock when my bi-ped managed to snatch me as I sped out of the kitchen at 45 mph ! To make up for it, Luna, Susie and I went to Lake Arrowhead to take a stroll around Festival Park. We had a swell time, making several loops around the park. It's so pretty up there. My Mom says it's like walking a deer I'm so TALL. We made a striking canine trio - 1 Biker Booted Dood, and 2 girlie-girls ! Too much fun! Cool, calm and collected, Coty. Ciao-ciao,
Posted by
Cool Coty
6:59 PM
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Greyhound Camo
La principessa bianca diabolica - in camuffamento. Who's the JD now ??? The Evil White Princess - in camouflage.
Posted by
Cool Coty
3:30 PM
In Between the Rain
JD Coty reporting in.
Posted by
Cool Coty
1:39 PM
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Grey Scrawny Neck in Jeopardy of Being Wrung
JD Coty reporting in that I am again in the proverbial dog house. Mom went downstairs this morning to find two piles of cat litter OUTSIDE the litter box. I am wondering myself who might have done that, she seems to think it was ME !?! Her exact words were - "if I find the beast who did this I'm going to wring his scrawny neck". I was right behind her, I heard it with my very own ears. If you see Breaking News of any Greys in trouble be sure to tell the authorities of my innocence. It might clear me in dog court.
Posted by
Cool Coty
12:26 PM
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Those Pearly Whites - It Ain't Chewing Tobaky
PeeeeYuuuuu - Potty Mouth Coty. Cool Coty was not chewing tobacco out behind the barn tonight. No siree... chewing cat poop is my new vice. My bi-ped had, not 5 minutes before, been admiring my pearly whites, exclaiming how nice and healthy they looked. Hah ! I showed her what juvenile delinquent JD Coty is all about. We were getting ready for our walk and I was so excited that I dashed downstairs, grabbed a bite of cat poop out of the litter box - yes, you read that right - cat poop, and chewed it right up ! Then made a mad dash back upstairs catch the walk. BUSTED ! Bending down to hook me up - my dragon breath gave me away. Gag ! The cat was out of the bag. Freshly chewed cat poo. Phew-weeee. One look into my crocodile sized jaws and the brown glob on my molar was a dead give-away :--( Talk about potty mouth !!!!!!!!!!! Heee-Heeeeeeee. We did some serious tooth brushing and my pearly whites are clean again. Luna and Susie think I'm a disgusting meathead. Chicks. JD Coty signing off.
Posted by
Cool Coty
8:44 PM
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Let Sleeping Dogs Lie
It's not safe to take a nap in this household. Being white - Luna is just asking to be 'touched-up' with Kool-Aid ;--) Although I resemble a Florida Cricket frog with my caramel and black markings, my bi-ped thinks I can be easily be turned into an Eastern Box Turtle with a little yellow Kool-Aid. Halloween should be a blast !!
Posted by
Cool Coty
11:45 AM
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Running With The Bulls
Posted by
Cool Coty
8:12 PM
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
La Bella Luna ha denti puliti. Luna Petunia had her choppers cleaned today. She didn't quite look like Austin Powers,"Yea Baby", and not quite as bad as Van L.B. described "Greys teeth look like they've been smoking for 20 years" but our bi-ped Mom thought we'd clean them again just for prevention. Do you see her resting with Miki the Cat? I've been trying out my new Bad Boy Biker boots and we found a really neat dead bug on our last outing. It was a race to see who could manage to roll their head on it first. Susie is the shortest and sneaks under both our tummies so I think she was the winner. Lots of baby frogs outside and we have a tuber rose that you can smell halfway up the driveway. Exotic. Perfume was invented because of flowers like tuber roses and peonies. That's a Cool Coty opinion. Ciao, ciao.
Posted by
Cool Coty
7:54 PM
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Duuuuudes - look at my new blue suede shoes ;--) Well..maybe not suede, but very cool just the same. My back pinkies, or lack of, are still pretty tender for long walks, so Mom got me black Biker boots (Thera-Paw boots) after reading about them on the message board, now I don't have to go home halfway through our walks. To show my deep appreciation, I wee-wee'd on her tomato plant, much to her disgust. She said, "that was a lame thing to do, typical Bad Boy behavior" That's me Cool Coty, Biker Bad Boy. Roooooo Roooooo !
Posted by
Cool Coty
4:46 PM
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Posted by
Cool Coty
12:38 PM
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Hot ! Hot ! Hot ! Too hot for even the obnoxious squirrels. 92 degrees, 54 % humidity and heat index 98 degrees and counting. Four baby Phoebe birds fledged this morning. Jumped right out of their nest at the top corner of the porch, just like mini-paratroopers, and flap-flap, out into the blue sky and forest trees. No looking back, all made it without falling into the huge hydrangea bushes below. We can hear them peeping in the leaves. No greythound news this weekend, it's major nap time in this heat.
Posted by
Cool Coty
2:24 PM
Monday, May 25, 2009
Dog Stinkhorns - Strange garden tails
Posted by
Cool Coty
12:30 PM
Saturday, May 23, 2009
OMG - Luna is soooo smart, my mom asked her if she knew how to sit, and she sat right down !! Kisses and effusive hugs all around. Hmmm, guess I should show my good stuff once in awhile instead of knocking down the wall in the kennel room and getting stuck on the basement side :--) We cruised the garden this morning, everything is getting ready to pop with color...this is a carpet rose, which soon will be laying over completely covered in bouquets of hot pink roses. Our garden is a work in progress, il nostro giardino è i lavori in corso, which is so much fun. We are still adding to the vegetable garden, row-by-row. Two zucchini plants went in this week - and you know what that means....friends will hide in fear once these start producing. Do greyts eat zucchini ? I'll let you know. Arrivederci tutto.
Posted by
Cool Coty
9:10 AM
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Abbiamo avuti oggi lotti di divertimento. We had lots of fun today. And just missed the rain - it is raining cats and dogs here right now. I was a quiet and respectful guest as is my regal nature, whereas Luna Petunia is a naughty girlfriend. She got tired of playing in the pasture and zipped right through the slats to another fenced area- but everyone noticed the 'new Luna' and her devious ways and she was captured red-hounded. She was strolling around, sniffing things, watching all the visiting Greyts and day dreaming of her racing days. Though she's been retired since 2005 ol' Luna Petunia can run still like the wind. My greyt sister was looking good. We are both happy and tired. Bouna notte.
Posted by
Cool Coty
10:15 PM
Friday, May 15, 2009
Posted by
Cool Coty
10:07 AM
Sunday, May 3, 2009
That Van - he is a funny guy. "See ya Crater", Moon walking - huh ! We do have moon flowers planted. Big, white blooms that open only at night. When we were meeting la bella Luna on Saturday, a potential adopter at the kennel said it was so neat to see my white tipped tail and that he's seen several brindles with tipped tails - and GUESS WHAT !?! Luna has a white-tipped tail ! Is that amazing ? ;o Hahahahah-hee-hee -a late Sunday night Cool Coty-ism.
Posted by
Cool Coty
10:18 PM
We cha-cha'd the night away. La bella Luna is a player ! She can hop and bow with the best of the dog and cat dancers. It was a mostly uneventful first night, a little pacing because of the weather and missing Patty and her pooches, but this morning all is well. Questa mattina abbiamo fatto una passeggiata ed abbiamo pulito i nostri denti del cane. This morning we took a walk and we brushed our dog teeth !
Posted by
Cool Coty
10:07 AM
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Posted by
Cool Coty
2:14 PM
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Posted by
Cool Coty
12:42 PM
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Ciao, ciao! Flora & Fauna - we had a Tiger Swallowtail, green anole and a dragonfly in the garden today and one of the bluebird houses has lodgers already. An Eastern phoebe is checking out a ledge on the porch - we think it's the same girl from the last two years. She had two broods last year. I didn't stay out very long -those buzzing things freak me :--( but we did get two rows of asparagus planted. In two years - remind me and I'll tell you about the taste of fresh asparagus - or if GreytHounds even eat asparagus. Arrivederci - Cool Coty
Posted by
Cool Coty
2:22 PM
Friday, April 17, 2009
Yippee-ki-oh. Whoop-whoop !! I am stitch free. Woooooo-hoooooooooo. One of my little pinkies still has about 1/4 inch healing spot, but it is doing very well. I will quit boring y'all with tales of my tootsies.
Me and Suz' went out to the garden today. I got a little freaky, those darned Cadillac-sized carpenter bees buzzed me and 'bout scared my brindle stripes right off. That would make me just a big caramel colored GreytHound. I made my biped take me back inside, and I am talking RIGHT NOW ! Bugs and bees - ick. Tomorrow we begin to plant - yeah !
Posted by
Cool Coty
8:22 PM
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Posted by
Cool Coty
9:54 PM
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Sibling rivalry. Remember my satirical remark about Susie 'being the perfect dog' - HAH !! she got busted showing her true evil dog self yesterday. When our human bi-ped came around the corner into the kitchen - Susie was standing ON TOP of the island ! A greyt greyhound would NEVER do that - ahem - we are TALL enough to counter surf without jumping on top of things ;--) It was one of those candid camera moments and now there is evidence to prove there are 2 delinquents in this house. Signing off - Cool Coty.
Posted by
Cool Coty
11:13 AM
Thursday, March 26, 2009
It's taking a little longer for one of my toes to heal since the surgery is on the bottom of that toe. I keep this foot bandaged half-time; half the time I slip out of the bandage, and half the time my Mom is smarter than me and it stays on. I'm trying to let it air dry, but when I walk on it, it just gets rubbed again and I leave a little red paw print all over the house. I am feeling better though, and when my Mom got home from work I was my bouncing, bowing self and nitted (nibbled) her entire arm :--) Those are my love kisses. I did it to Susie's neck also, phhlllffff !! - got a big mouthful of fur from that. Bleggghhhh.
Posted by
Cool Coty
8:41 PM
Monday, March 16, 2009
Woo-eeee. The Vet removed my bandages today and left them off ! Wanted to get a little air on my tootsies. As long as I don't go on a licking spree, I won't have to wear an Elizabethean collar. How icky would that be ?? Finally all the parts arrived for my new Kuranda bed and it is set up and ready for me to take a test drive. It's BIG - just my size. Think I'll go nap now. Buona notte.
Posted by
Cool Coty
6:37 PM
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Well, well...my feet are doing very well, the bandages were changed yesterday, and again next Tuesday, then maybe off by next Friday. I am laying upside down again in my crate with my feet up the wall, like a silly Greyt, just to make sure everyone notices me. I am a brat.
My Mom doesn't cut me any slack anymore for peeing in the basement, now I have to wear a Belly Band. It's back to puppy training 101. Hmmpfff !! Insult upon insult in this forever home. First the pedicure, and now the belly band. And Susie - she's just the perfect dog, not a brat like me.
Posted by
Cool Coty
5:54 PM
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Want to see my bandaged tootsies?
"Pedicure, stile del levriero".
"Pedicure, Greyhound style" :--)
Mom is telecommuting this week - to keep an eye on me although I don't know why as Susie is lying on a pillow outside my crate door watching me also !! Suz' gives me a sniff every now and again to make sure I'm still breathing -which is soooo annoying - all right, already !! - I'm napping !! I'm napping !!. I'm not really as squished as it looks in the picture, Just resting upside down, being a silly Greyt. Mom ordered a Kuranda bed just for me, except they sent the wrong size hardware - too bad, or I could be snoozing Kuranda-style right now. Susie's Kuranda bed is red and mine will be green.
Posted by
Cool Coty
12:09 PM
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Ouch-ouch-ouch. My surgery is finished, and I am sleeping it off right now. The vet said I might spend the night just to make sure. I hope I get a treat when I get home. I hear that Susie misses me, but gets to take an extra walk to make up for it. That's OK because now I'll be able to walk with her on the hard street without my tootsies hurting.
Posted by
Cool Coty
2:57 PM
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Buon giorno, il grande cane parla. I'm practicing my greyhound Italian. "Good morning, the big dog speaks". I had an exciting week staying at the Manyhounds Inn. I have pictures to prove what fun I had and how stylish I can be. One picture shows me in a white cap with a brim and my Mom says it looks EXACTLY like a picture she has of her father !! Same long snout profile and hat !! Too funny - I didn't realize that Sicilians and greyhounds were related but the snozzolas match and the proof is in the picture :--)
Kate noticed that my back outer toes are kind of torn up and we visited the vet to see what could be done. Some dogs have 'cat' feet, some have webbed feet, and others hare feet. Greyhounds have Hare feet which are elongated with the two center toes longer than the side toes. I'm going to have surgery next week to fix those two outside toes so that I can run like the wind again.
E tempo per il mio pelo. It is time for my nap.
Posted by
Cool Coty
11:30 AM
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Posted by
Cool Coty
11:33 AM
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Wow - it's a sharp world out from the Track. I cut my wrist-knob, as my Mom calls it, and had to get 2 staples zapped into it ! The Vet says I'm a great dog, and didn't fuss at all. When he (the Vet) said I may need one of those Elizabethian collars if I am a chewer - my Mom nixed that idea. I've been trying to be good and not chew on my wrist covering. So far, so good. It is closing up and I still have the staples in. Two days. Eight to go. Can you picture a greyhound - and a big one at that - trying to get into a kennel wearing one of those goofy things ??! Queen Elizabeth, maybe, but not King Coty. I'm sure they are very useful and help the healing process, but, frankly Scarlett - Not For Me, Thank You.
Posted by
Cool Coty
7:55 PM
Friday, February 13, 2009
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Hi, it's Coty, back to blogging. I've been snoring by the fire for the last month as it's been so cold out. I've also been in school - obedience training with Jen Bachelor. My best command so far is 'lie down'. My Mom says I'm perfect at that. I don't do the sphinx look too well, mostly just slide into a 'sit' and then plop over on my side which is comfy and relaxing. My biggest goal is to learn to push open the dog door at home by myself. Not there yet, although if someone flips to door up for me, I can use it just fine and dandy. Susie is lucky - her dog door is electronic but even though it's the largest one, I'm a tall dude and it doesn't fit me as well so we had Big Dog door put in also. My Mom learned a new trick herself yesterday. She made me go through the door to eat my dinner. Not a snack mind you, she had my DINNER! I thought that was a dirty trick, but - whatever - I was hungry. The weather has been wonderful for two days and we are planning a vegetable garden. The idea is for me and Susie to play 'around it'. Hee-hee, we will see how that works out :-)
Posted by
Cool Coty
8:27 PM
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Here's a picture on my non-grey sister. Although I outweigh her by 35 pounds she is OK for a Big Sis' . I try to muscle in an steal her stuffy toys, but she's a pretty tough cookie. Susie has been assigned as the official Circus Barker at the Meet and Greet on Woodstock and she reels those rubes in to meet the greyt-hounds. She waves her paw at anyone walking by and smiles until she brings them on over. Good PR job.
Posted by
Cool Coty
7:56 PM
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Well, well, it's the New Year and I am snoring my way into it. I mean - really - what's all the excitement ?? I've been having fun all week playing in my own dog sized pasture. Except for the last two rainy days, I've been running around like my tail is on fire - Susie has to be careful because I am 75 pounds of streaked lightening. I have to say, she is pretty agile and teases me to give chase. It turns out that I am quite THE watch dog, and can bark if there's a reason. I don't bark at silly things like squirrels, I am a real watchdog and bark at humans moving in the forest outside. (My neighbor is doing some remodeling and apparently walks back and forth across his backyard, which Coty has been monitoring). My Mom says I am a FINE DOG ! Feliz Navidad - Coty.
Posted by
Cool Coty
12:34 PM