Saturday, April 18, 2009

Ciao, ciao! Flora & Fauna - we had a Tiger Swallowtail, green anole and a dragonfly in the garden today and one of the bluebird houses has lodgers already. An Eastern phoebe is checking out a ledge on the porch - we think it's the same girl from the last two years. She had two broods last year. I didn't stay out very long -those buzzing things freak me :--( but we did get two rows of asparagus planted. In two years - remind me and I'll tell you about the taste of fresh asparagus - or if GreytHounds even eat asparagus. Arrivederci - Cool Coty


pseuzen said...


Good to hear that you are up and running again!

The Bridle Boys miss you and speak of you often. They cannot wait for the play date.

Enjoy the veggies!
