Thursday, March 26, 2009

It's taking a little longer for one of my toes to heal since the surgery is on the bottom of that toe. I keep this foot bandaged half-time; half the time I slip out of the bandage, and half the time my Mom is smarter than me and it stays on. I'm trying to let it air dry, but when I walk on it, it just gets rubbed again and I leave a little red paw print all over the house. I am feeling better though, and when my Mom got home from work I was my bouncing, bowing self and nitted (nibbled) her entire arm :--) Those are my love kisses. I did it to Susie's neck also, phhlllffff !! - got a big mouthful of fur from that. Bleggghhhh.


Van said...

Can you knit me a sweater? Oh, that's a different kind of knitting.

I am glad to hear that you are healing, albeit some parts slower than others.

Give Susie a kiss for us, but watch out for that hair.