Monday, May 25, 2009

Dog Stinkhorns - Strange garden tails

Look at what we found growing under a rhododendron. Mushrooms ? A miniature elephant trunk ? Sea creatures on land ? UPDATE: RR from Georgia BotSocs (Botanical Society) identified this for my mom: Dog Stinkhorn !!!!!!! Hah-ha-ha-haa-hee-hee-hee. Isn't that a typical garden find for a dog ???? Usually WE are the ones making the stinkies. Hee-hee-hee.....So much for the drought this year, it doesn't seem like it will ever stop raining. Not that I am Coty complaining. I love the rain, it makes my pasture grass long and soft for napping. Luna and I played real hard in the pasture this morning, Susie and Marty, the Cat, had to stand aside as 140 lbs. of racing greyhounds zoomed by, and by, and by. I was chasing the ball and Luna was chasing me.