Saturday, May 2, 2009

Sono così emozionante. La Bella Luna e arrivato. I am so excited, the Beautiful Moon has arrived. Our petite bella Luna is just as sassy as Miss Susie. Look how she rooted around in my toy basket and picked out the big knuckle bone to gnaw. We just beat the rain home from the adoption and made a quick pee-pass in the dog pasture. Luna has finished checking out each room, we are napping so we can rock later tonight. It is Saturday night, you know - we are going to let our hair down ;--) ... like GH's have much hair, hee-hee, a Cool Coty joke... and dance some dog cha-cha's to welcome our new sister. Ciao-ciao.


Van said...

Where to start? First, I am so happy for you all! Luna is a full moon of beauty. But don't worry, she won't eclipse your sweetness!

Rest up and have a blast tonight, shoot for the moon! That's one small step for a greyhound, one giant leap for Luna!

Anonymous said...

Luna is very much missed at my house but we are all happy she has a new and wonderful home! She was very proud of her knuckle prize in her picture. Hope to hear more about her and see her beautiful face in more pictures. Van, I loved you comment!!