Saturday, May 23, 2009


OMG - Luna is soooo smart, my mom asked her if she knew how to sit, and she sat right down !! Kisses and effusive hugs all around. Hmmm, guess I should show my good stuff once in awhile instead of knocking down the wall in the kennel room and getting stuck on the basement side :--) We cruised the garden this morning, everything is getting ready to pop with color...this is a carpet rose, which soon will be laying over completely covered in bouquets of hot pink roses. Our garden is a work in progress, il nostro giardino è i lavori in corso, which is so much fun. We are still adding to the vegetable garden, row-by-row. Two zucchini plants went in this week - and you know what that means....friends will hide in fear once these start producing. Do greyts eat zucchini ? I'll let you know. Arrivederci tutto.


Van said...

Kane loves all forms of vegetables. Dewey did not like them at first, but has acquired a taste for them just so he is not left out when the scraps are dispensed.

You should give the zucchini a try. Just wait until it is out of the garden first, lest you get mistaken for a rabbit.