Sunday, May 3, 2009

We cha-cha'd the night away. La bella Luna is a player ! She can hop and bow with the best of the dog and cat dancers. It was a mostly uneventful first night, a little pacing because of the weather and missing Patty and her pooches, but this morning all is well. Questa mattina abbiamo fatto una passeggiata ed abbiamo pulito i nostri denti del cane. This morning we took a walk and we brushed our dog teeth !


Van said...

Did anyone do the moonwalk?

Did you dance to Moon River, Walking on the Moon, Bad moon Rising, There's a Moon Out Tonight?

I'll bet it was fun. See you crater, I mean later.

Anonymous said...

I'm over the moon knowing my former baby girl is in such a fabulous home. We were heartbroken to give her up, and now I'm 100% assured that we made a great decision for her after all. Phew. THANK YOU.