Sunday, August 30, 2009

Grey Scrawny Neck in Jeopardy of Being Wrung

JD Coty reporting in that I am again in the proverbial dog house. Mom went downstairs this morning to find two piles of cat litter OUTSIDE the litter box. I am wondering myself who might have done that, she seems to think it was ME !?! Her exact words were - "if I find the beast who did this I'm going to wring his scrawny neck". I was right behind her, I heard it with my very own ears. If you see Breaking News of any Greys in trouble be sure to tell the authorities of my innocence. It might clear me in dog court.


Van said...

"if I find the beast who did this I'm going to wring his scrawny neck".

Coty, there is a lot of prejudice in that statement. Are you the only "he" in the house? Is there a male cat that "he" could refer to?

Scrawny neck? Who else in the house would that description apply to? When you combine the words "he" and "scrawny" the outlook is not too good for you.

I would be happy to serve as a character witness for you in dog court.

Tell your mom that if she wants to really pin down the perp she should initiate a "breathalyzer" test. I'll bet you would blow a .24on the breath poop scale.

jeanna said...

Oh Van, that is so gross!!!! I've have caught both my girls checking out rabbit poo though. I'll bet they wouldn't been too discrimiating and have lunch with the scrawny neck character. LOL