Monday, November 10, 2008

I am no longer being fostered...

I am being baby-sat!

My foster parents are now my baby sitters! I was adopted by a sweet lady named Christine. She will be out of town for a few days so I will be staying with my foster par-, excuse me, baby sitters!

I think this is great as it will give me the extra time to hang out with my former foster brothers Kane and Dewey. I will also be able to work on the stairs more so I can impress my new mom when she gets back.

I hear I am going to go live with 5 nice kitties and a sister named SusieQ. I already met SusieQ and she seems like she likes to play a lot. I played it real cool around her, but I can't wait to be a big brother.

Some really good pictures were taken 0f me, Kane, and Dewey last night, which I hope will get posted tomorrow.

I am going to sign off for now, but I wish my new mom a good night. I am excited to see her again.


I have a new name! I am now Coty!


Versatile Greyhounds Project said...
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Versatile Greyhounds Project said...

HOORAY!!!! Wishing you a very happy homecoming, sweet boy! You deserve it.

Many thanks to your foster family for opening their home & hearts to yet another houndie who needed them.