Monday, September 6, 2010

Ouch !

Ow, ow, ow !! Ask me where Polaris is, and I can point to it.
The infamous greyhound happy tail. This is what happens when us greyhounds get happy :-) Our little bony tails slap anything within distance and - whacko - broken tails. At least I didn't break the skin, I'm just patched up with tape for the next few weeks.
The weather is nice and cool in the mornings, Luna, Susie and I are hanging out in the field today with the cats. The butterfly weed is true to its name - full of bees and butterflies and several Swallowtail chrysalises.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Heat Index 102.5

Questo cane e troppo caldo per parole. This dog is too hot for words. Woof.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Blog neglect, it oughta be a crime I tell Ya. My wading pool is in the garden and of course it's been pouring cats and dogs - so really - what's the point ?? My bi-ped might take me to Canine Ranch to their big pool to see if I REALLY like to swim, or if I'm just a beach bum playboy. Luna only dangles her tootsies ankle deep, while I prefer shoulder deep with a periscope head. Susie hates to get her feet wet at all ! Lots of blooming wildflowers and teensy frogs, I have to be careful or it's squish-squash between the toes. Ciao-ciao.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Il cane perfetto gentiluomo

Ciao, hello. Have you ever seen such a cool sit, don't I look like, il cane perfetto gentiluomo, the perfect gentleman hound ?? My tush was a bit chilly but I am Cool Coty, after all. Miss Jen would be so proud ! This is my snow picture but yesterday was a perfect March day. We went for a stroll in downtown Woodstock (GA) for the St. Patty's Day parade and good Irish cheer. Susie, Luna and I met Susan LaB and Dewey, Kane and Mr. Deeds. Susie and Luna were pooped at the end of the day. We got lots of pets and kisses and a little girl said she loved me ! ;-)) I like little girls, kind of scary, but girls are very smart :) Life is just darned weird sometimes. The kitten was sitting on the kitchen counter watching me eat last week, she is kind of uncoordinated I must say, and just slid off right into my bowls! I had to high-tail it out of the room like a whirling dervish. I AM NOT EATING IN THERE ANYMORE -who wants a plop of kitten feet in their food ? Until I re-calibrate my greyhound brain I am eating in a different spot. Hunh ! Piu tardi. Later. CC.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Too Cool For Words

Troppo Cool per le parole. That's me - Cool Coty, too cool for words ! Sometimes a picture IS worth a thousand words. The chicks dig me. Except for our new kitten Margherita, she is
nell' amore, in luv with Susie. I am jealous, I'm the handsome Dood in this joint. Margherita slinks in and out between Susie's legs, rubs under her chin, and takes a flying leap on her neck when Susie leaves the room. My bi-ped says "Not to worry, it's a kitty with raging hormones thing and it will be fixed in due time". I don't get it, but I'm a greyhound...
We went to pet therapy last Sunday, but it's still scary for me. Miss Luna Petunia and Jessie were the Belles of the Ball. Ciao, ciao.