Sibling rivalry. Remember my satirical remark about Susie 'being the perfect dog' - HAH !! she got busted showing her true evil dog self yesterday. When our human bi-ped came around the corner into the kitchen - Susie was standing ON TOP of the island ! A greyt greyhound would NEVER do that - ahem - we are TALL enough to counter surf without jumping on top of things ;--) It was one of those candid camera moments and now there is evidence to prove there are 2 delinquents in this house. Signing off - Cool Coty.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
It's taking a little longer for one of my toes to heal since the surgery is on the bottom of that toe. I keep this foot bandaged half-time; half the time I slip out of the bandage, and half the time my Mom is smarter than me and it stays on. I'm trying to let it air dry, but when I walk on it, it just gets rubbed again and I leave a little red paw print all over the house. I am feeling better though, and when my Mom got home from work I was my bouncing, bowing self and nitted (nibbled) her entire arm :--) Those are my love kisses. I did it to Susie's neck also, phhlllffff !! - got a big mouthful of fur from that. Bleggghhhh.
Posted by
Cool Coty
8:41 PM
Monday, March 16, 2009
Woo-eeee. The Vet removed my bandages today and left them off ! Wanted to get a little air on my tootsies. As long as I don't go on a licking spree, I won't have to wear an Elizabethean collar. How icky would that be ?? Finally all the parts arrived for my new Kuranda bed and it is set up and ready for me to take a test drive. It's BIG - just my size. Think I'll go nap now. Buona notte.
Posted by
Cool Coty
6:37 PM
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Well, feet are doing very well, the bandages were changed yesterday, and again next Tuesday, then maybe off by next Friday. I am laying upside down again in my crate with my feet up the wall, like a silly Greyt, just to make sure everyone notices me. I am a brat.
My Mom doesn't cut me any slack anymore for peeing in the basement, now I have to wear a Belly Band. It's back to puppy training 101. Hmmpfff !! Insult upon insult in this forever home. First the pedicure, and now the belly band. And Susie - she's just the perfect dog, not a brat like me.
Posted by
Cool Coty
5:54 PM
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Want to see my bandaged tootsies?
"Pedicure, stile del levriero".
"Pedicure, Greyhound style" :--)
Mom is telecommuting this week - to keep an eye on me although I don't know why as Susie is lying on a pillow outside my crate door watching me also !! Suz' gives me a sniff every now and again to make sure I'm still breathing -which is soooo annoying - all right, already !! - I'm napping !! I'm napping !!. I'm not really as squished as it looks in the picture, Just resting upside down, being a silly Greyt. Mom ordered a Kuranda bed just for me, except they sent the wrong size hardware - too bad, or I could be snoozing Kuranda-style right now. Susie's Kuranda bed is red and mine will be green.
Posted by
Cool Coty
12:09 PM
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Ouch-ouch-ouch. My surgery is finished, and I am sleeping it off right now. The vet said I might spend the night just to make sure. I hope I get a treat when I get home. I hear that Susie misses me, but gets to take an extra walk to make up for it. That's OK because now I'll be able to walk with her on the hard street without my tootsies hurting.
Posted by
Cool Coty
2:57 PM
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Buon giorno, il grande cane parla. I'm practicing my greyhound Italian. "Good morning, the big dog speaks". I had an exciting week staying at the Manyhounds Inn. I have pictures to prove what fun I had and how stylish I can be. One picture shows me in a white cap with a brim and my Mom says it looks EXACTLY like a picture she has of her father !! Same long snout profile and hat !! Too funny - I didn't realize that Sicilians and greyhounds were related but the snozzolas match and the proof is in the picture :--)
Kate noticed that my back outer toes are kind of torn up and we visited the vet to see what could be done. Some dogs have 'cat' feet, some have webbed feet, and others hare feet. Greyhounds have Hare feet which are elongated with the two center toes longer than the side toes. I'm going to have surgery next week to fix those two outside toes so that I can run like the wind again.
E tempo per il mio pelo. It is time for my nap.
Posted by
Cool Coty
11:30 AM