Saturday, July 18, 2009

Duuuuudes - look at my new blue suede shoes ;--) Well..maybe not suede, but very cool just the same. My back pinkies, or lack of, are still pretty tender for long walks, so Mom got me black Biker boots (Thera-Paw boots) after reading about them on the message board, now I don't have to go home halfway through our walks. To show my deep appreciation, I wee-wee'd on her tomato plant, much to her disgust. She said, "that was a lame thing to do, typical Bad Boy behavior" That's me Cool Coty, Biker Bad Boy. Roooooo Roooooo !


Van said...

Those boots were made for walkin', and that's just what they'll do, one of these days these boots are gonna walk until you roo...