Sunday, April 26, 2009
Posted by
Cool Coty
12:42 PM
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Ciao, ciao! Flora & Fauna - we had a Tiger Swallowtail, green anole and a dragonfly in the garden today and one of the bluebird houses has lodgers already. An Eastern phoebe is checking out a ledge on the porch - we think it's the same girl from the last two years. She had two broods last year. I didn't stay out very long -those buzzing things freak me :--( but we did get two rows of asparagus planted. In two years - remind me and I'll tell you about the taste of fresh asparagus - or if GreytHounds even eat asparagus. Arrivederci - Cool Coty
Posted by
Cool Coty
2:22 PM
Friday, April 17, 2009
Yippee-ki-oh. Whoop-whoop !! I am stitch free. Woooooo-hoooooooooo. One of my little pinkies still has about 1/4 inch healing spot, but it is doing very well. I will quit boring y'all with tales of my tootsies.
Me and Suz' went out to the garden today. I got a little freaky, those darned Cadillac-sized carpenter bees buzzed me and 'bout scared my brindle stripes right off. That would make me just a big caramel colored GreytHound. I made my biped take me back inside, and I am talking RIGHT NOW ! Bugs and bees - ick. Tomorrow we begin to plant - yeah !
Posted by
Cool Coty
8:22 PM
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Posted by
Cool Coty
9:54 PM