Sunday, April 26, 2009

It only took 5 months but I think I'm getting a grey hound sister !! Is that Way Coty-Cool or what ?? Her name is Pk's Lynx, NKA Luna. We get to meet her next Saturday and if she likes me and Susie - she will be COMING HOME with us. What's not to like about me, or love for that matter ? I'm tall, dark (the brindle stripes) and handsome ! Soft too. Chicks dig me. Susie thinks I am The Best. And except for my teensy little phobia about the flying battleships known as carpenter bees - I am cool. Here's a picture of our potential adoptee that my Mom found on the greyhound database - isn't she beautiful ? Keep your toes crossed ;--)

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Ciao, ciao! Flora & Fauna - we had a Tiger Swallowtail, green anole and a dragonfly in the garden today and one of the bluebird houses has lodgers already. An Eastern phoebe is checking out a ledge on the porch - we think it's the same girl from the last two years. She had two broods last year. I didn't stay out very long -those buzzing things freak me :--( but we did get two rows of asparagus planted. In two years - remind me and I'll tell you about the taste of fresh asparagus - or if GreytHounds even eat asparagus. Arrivederci - Cool Coty

Friday, April 17, 2009

Yippee-ki-oh. Whoop-whoop !! I am stitch free. Woooooo-hoooooooooo. One of my little pinkies still has about 1/4 inch healing spot, but it is doing very well. I will quit boring y'all with tales of my tootsies.
Me and Suz' went out to the garden today. I got a little freaky, those darned Cadillac-sized carpenter bees buzzed me and 'bout scared my brindle stripes right off. That would make me just a big caramel colored GreytHound. I made my biped take me back inside, and I am talking RIGHT NOW ! Bugs and bees - ick. Tomorrow we begin to plant - yeah !

Thursday, April 16, 2009

I'm back to my hip-hopping Greyt self. I can get some bounce going with my hopping. Still have stitches in my tootsies but maybe those will be out by tomorrow - cross your toes ;-) I did a test run in the yard today and I am LOOKING GOOD. Almost made it to warp speed. I had to switch my sleeping spot this week. I headed to bed one night and Susie was sound asleep in MY crate !! I could not believe it. I was too shocked and had to turn and look mournfully at my biped. Susie was rousted but now there's red dog cooties in there, so I've taken my blankets to the bottom of the stairs and that's where I'm staying. Hmmmphhh.
It's time to start moseying around the garden. We are getting ready to plant veggies. Lots of digging, raking, hoeing and pitch-forking. Whew - good thing I'm only supervising this Gig. The peonies are beginning to peep out . I'm so excited, I'll keep you posted on how our garden grows. Ciao-ciao, Cool Coty.